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Erik Herbert Seeks First Term on NT School Board

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Erik Herbert Seeks First Term on NT School Board



Mr. Herbert is an active duty veteran of the United States Marine Corps where he served honorably from 2004-2008. He then graduated of NCCC with an Associate’s degree and later transferred to Buffalo State College where he completed his Bachelor’s degree.

Mr. Herbert served as the North Tonawanda modified wrestling and assistant varsity coach for 5 seasons under coach Dan Fire. During that time, he also served as the NT Wrestling Hall of Fame chairman.

Mr. Herbert is currently a North Tonawanda police officer where he is assigned to the day shift patrol.

He lives in Wurlitzer Park with his wife Diana and their 8-year-old son, Caleb, who attends Ohio Elementary School.

Mr. Herbert “wants to serve as an advocate for school safety in our district and on our School Board.”

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