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Many of you have watched Niagara Falls Mayoral Candidate Seth Piccirillo’s newest campaign video regarding temperament. If not, you can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/317643839068295/posts/491475895018421?s=100023811975792&v=e&sfns=mo.
In the video Piccirillo refers to “temperament” as “separating true serving leaders from politicians.” He goes on to say that, “I know that I have the temperament to serve you just as I know my opponent does not.”
However, in a February 5th, 2019, campaign video, Piccirillo had a starkly different message, stating, “we’ve all seen how opposition is usually done in a political campaign. It’s second hand. It’s cowardly. We’re not going to do that. I’m not going to rely on [] surrogates, paid journalism or anonymous mailers to deliver direct talk. That’s just not me. I’m also not going to spend a whole lot of time talking about my opponents.”
As it turns out, the truthfulness of Piccirillo’s February 5th statement did not last until primary day.