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Residents in Wheatfield are feeling confused after a mailer in support of 7th Legislative District Candidate Erik Herbert attempted to align him with other political officials from Wheatfield. The mailer, which is photographed above, says that the public officials are a “team.”
After learning of the mailer, County Clerk Joseph Jastrzemski released a statement blasting the mailer as “shameful” and misleading. Specifically, the statement read,
“Let me be clear – Erik Herbert’s mailer suggests that he’s on a ‘team’ with me and other Wheatfield officials, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Every elected official in Wheatfield supports Jesse Gooch as our County Legislator, and it is shameful for Erik Herbert to mislead the public into thinking he has our support. Legislator Gooch has represented Wheatfield well , and Legislator Gooch has my proud support. I have never once met Erik Herbert in my life!”
Needless to say, Herbert’s camp has not issued a statement on the “misleading” and “shameful” mailer, as described by Jastrzemski. However, it is clear to say that no other elected official on the mailer was contacted prior to the use of their photographs and falsely claiming their support of Herbert’s run for the 7th Legislative District in the Niagara County Legislature.
We will keep you updated as this story develops.