Brothers John and Chester Gawel, both decorated World War II veterans, joined former City Manager Harvey Albond and William Kresman, also decorated WWII veterans, as the parade’s grand marshals.
The first blast of summer arrived in time to help herald in the Community Memorial Day Parade. The event, organized by Councilmen Kenny Tompkins and Ezra Scott, Jr., drew larger crowds to Pine Avenue than recent years, as well as over 70 units who marched in the parade. WJJL’s Tom Darro served as the parade announcer, while countless volunteers provided support at the parade staging area at City Market and along the route to the Niagara Falls Veteran’s Memorial in Hyde Park, where the Veteran’s Commission held their annual ceremony in remembrance of war heroes who sacrificed all.
Many local organizations and businesses contributed to the event, with donations totaling over $7000. Tompkins cited that the city’s support was outstanding. “This city came together to ensure this parade happened,” he said. “I couldn’t be prouder than I am today of what we accomplished.”