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Community Fundraiser for North Tonawanda Veteran

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By: Brendan McDonough

Reporter for North Tonawanda

People across the Tonawanda’s came out this past weekend to help one of their own. Inside the American Legion Post 264 people of all ages came out to help the family of John Reif. He was a long-time resident on Tonawanda and a US Coast Guard Veteran. 

John recently lost his battle with stomach cancer. To help with mounting medical bills, his family held a benefit. From food to basket raffles there was something for everyone to enjoy.

“My uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in January and it went very quickly and he passed away. He was the main source of income for the family, so I put this event together. We have about 170 baskets, we have 20 bigger ticket items like TV’s, theater tickets, grills, we have about 50 gift certificates,” said Adrianne Bukowski, Event Organizer.

Organizers say they don’t have a goal of how much they would like to raise because the medical bills are still coming in. If you would like to help out you can contact Adrianne at (716) 948-6656.


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