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City of North Tonawanda Announces Swearing in of WWII Veteran as 2nd Ward Alderman

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By: Staff Reporter

Leaders from North Tonawanda will hold a swearing in ceremony on the steps of City Hall on Wednesday, August 19th, 2020, at 3:30 to swear ​in 97-year-old​ William “Bill” Gosch to serve as a temporary replacement for 2nd Ward Alderwoman Donna Braun.

Braun was selected by the Common Council on Tuesday, August 18th, 2020, to serve as the City’s Clerk-Treasurer. Gosch, a lifelong resident of the Lumber City, will serve as a temporary replacement while the city council conducts a search for its next 2nd Ward Alderman.

The swearing in ceremony will take place on the steps of City Hall at 216 Payne Avenue. Gosch will be joined by Mayor Arthur Pappas, Clerk-Treasurer Donna Braun, and Common Council members Eric Zadzilka, Robert Schmigel, Robert Pecoraro, and Austin Tylec.



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