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By: Alfonso M. Bax
Lewiston Town Board Member
I am writing today to ask for your support of my good friends as they continue their efforts to keep the Town of Lewiston as beautiful and vibrant as it has ever been. Having served as a Lewiston Town Councilman for nearly fourteen years now, I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am to be a small part of our Town’s rebirth and prosperity. As anyone who has ever served their community will tell you, having a local government that really works does not happen by accident. Only by supporting those individuals with the eagerness to roll up their sleeves and become fully engaged in the political process, those who exhibit the ability to see things from another’s vantage point and, most importantly, those who are brave enough to do what is right in the face of adversity, can we maintain our current course.
For voters in 2019, we are fortunate in the Town of Lewiston to have such quality candidates on the ballot. Steve Broderick and Bill Geiben are squarely in this category and I have been truly privileged to serve alongside them for several years now. Both Steve and Bill have a proven track record of fiscal responsibility and for making decisions that benefit the entire Town of Lewiston. Through their leadership and example, the individual departments of Town government have never worked more closely and cooperatively together. I have witnessed Bill and Steve routinely putting policy before politics to ensure that everyone at Town Hall has a voice and that everyone is provided with the tools to do their job to the best of their ability.
Bill and Steve currently serve as the cornerstones of a new and wonderful vision for our town. They are perpetually available to our residence and are continuously looking to improve operational efficiencies, wherever they may be found. Both men have worked tirelessly for the residents of Lewiston and deserve to serve for as long as they are willing to do so.
The prospect of adding a candidate like Jason Myers to our Town Board is also truly exciting. Jason, a resident of Sanborn, brings a unique set of skills and talents that will serve him and the Town of Lewiston well in the years to come. With a background in business management and marketing, Jason Myers will ensure our continued focus on efficient use of taxpayer dollars. Unlike other candidates on the ballot, he possesses actual leadership experience that he gained as the former board president of the Niagara Gospel Rescue Mission. Moreover, his unique experience as a current member of the Niagara Wheatfield School Board will also provide us with invaluable insight to our counterparts at Lewiston Porter. Jason is a natural fit for our Town Board.
As I have said on many previous occasions, I am so very proud to be a member of this community and to serve as your Town Councilman. Please help to ensure that we continue what we have begun by selecting the right people for the job. Join me this November in my support for Steve Broderick, Bill Geiben and Jason Myers.