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Batavia Downs Honors Longtime Board Member

By Tony Farina

All of us past a certain age know how extremely nice it is to be recognized for our years of service to an organization and that’s exactly the experience running through the mind of Richard E. “Dick” Siebert this week after his more than 29 years of serving on the board of the Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. was formally recognized in a dedication ceremony.

WROTB management honored Siebert’s long and productive service by dedicating a plaque in his honor on Thursday outside the remodeled Genesee Banquet Room adjacent to the Hotel Downs lobby on the second floor.

The plaque recognizes Siebert, a lifelong Batavian, for his “unwavering guidance and contributions to the success of the company.”

Siebert has been a strong supporter of Batavia Downs since he assisted in the purchase of the facility by WROTB back in 1998 after it had experienced difficult times

Siebert said the harness track was a wreck when WROTB purchased the facility “but we stayed with it, and this is a whole tribute to our county and the whole scope of things—Genesee County, the City of Batavia.”

Richard Siebert and Charles Zambito, who took over as Genesee County’s representative on the WROTB board last May. Photo by Mike Pettinella.

The honoree, in his remarks, gave credit to the current staff at Batavia Downs for helping the organization achieve the enormous success it has and become a major tourist destination that rewards member counties and cities millions of dollars every year to help control taxes.

The honoree, who served briefly as board chairman, even got a kiss on the cheek from the current board chairman, Dennis Bassett, and Bassett told the crowd after embracing Siebert, “I miss you, I miss you.”  It was indeed a very special moment and a sign of the relationships that have been built at Batavia Downs Gaming as it enjoys the fruits of that spirit of cooperation that has made it such a success.

Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. Board Chair Dennis Bassett, right, shows his appreciation for Richard Siebert’s many years of service to the company with a smooch on the cheek at this morning’s ceremony honoring Siebert at Batavia Downs Gaming. Photos by Mike Pettinella.

CEO Wojtaszek and Board Chairman Bassett each praised Siebert for his contributions to the success story that is Batavia Downs today.







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