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By: Staff Reporter
Colonel Robert Pecoraro, USAF (ret.), North Tonawanda’s Alderman-at-Large and Assembly Candidate for the 140th District, will fight any tax increase proposed in North Tonawanda’s 2020-2021 Fiscal Budget.
“Mayor Arthur Pappas just released his budget, identifying a 6.52% increase in property tax revenue for North Tonawanda. His budget message highlighted:
‘…the challenges we have faced this year are unlike anything we have ever had to deal with before. With Federal, state and county budgets deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the trickle-down impact to local government coupled with our own increasing expenses created a very high mountain to climb.’
We are experiencing the worst health crisis and financial crisis in a century. The difference this time is they are both happening simultaneously. The last thing the hard working families of this city need is a raise in their taxes. As the council looks into the budget, we have a choice of either increasing taxes or making difficult budgetary cuts. I will be a voice for the residents of this city, and stand against an increase in taxes. We can not pass along the financial burden of the COVID-19 crisis onto families already facing hardships.
New York State is overtaxed as it is. We are by far the heaviest taxed state. The State Government thinks it can tax their way out of problems, but the City of North Tonawanda knows this is not the case. As overtaxation has beaten down our small businesses and families, we still find ourselves at the end of a six billion dollar deficit. That’s before the COVID-19 pandemic. As businesses left, jobs disappeared, families fled, and our infrastructure collapsed we got nothing but excuses out of the State Government. I’m sick and tired of it. As Alderman-at-Large I will fight to keep taxes down as we negotiate our new budget. As Assemblyman I will fight for lowering taxes to allow our citizens to keep more of their hard-earned income.”