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Grandinetti's Friends Toss Out Red Herring, Ignore Her Conflict Blame It on Anti- Gay Prejudice

By Frank Parlato

Happy bride (groom) Angela Berti
Happy bride (groom) Tina Galyn
Kristen Grandinetti marries for money...

As was to be expected, Kristen Grandinetti's Facebook friends came to the councilwoman's defense last week in the wake of a Niagara Falls Reporter story about an apparent conflict of interest.

The conflict: She voted for herself as a city marriage officer.

Contrary to what her Facebook defenders had to say, the story was not about who she married, but about the money she makes marrying them, and how she should have recused herself from voting to appoint herself to a $100-per-wedding gig as a city marriage officer.

Her Facebook supporters called the story "anti-gay" since the Reporter published 10 wedding photos from weddings Grandinetti performed, taken from Grandinetti's Facebook "Wedding Officiant" site.

We did not have much choice but to publish pictures of gay weddings.

Out of more than a dozen wedding pictures on her Facebook site, all but one were gay marriages.

For the record, the Reporter supports gay marriage because The Reporter supports human freedom. For that reason, the Reporter also supports polygamous, polyandrous and polyamorous marriages.

But Grandinetti's Facebook friends saw it otherwise:

Carma Geddon, the daughter of one of the women pictured, wrote,

I'd like to congratulate my moms, Andrea Megan and Tina Galyn, the fabulous councilwoman Kristen M. Grandinetti, and everyone else featured in the Reporter's latest attempt to undermine same-sex marriage by turning to Facebook to get the late-breaking (2 years old) stories. You really know you've made it in Niagara Falls when the Reporter's after you. Well done.

Ang Berti: Amen!!!!!

Alyson Ann Anic: Wait, what happened?

Carma Geddon: We have this trashy "newspaper" in my hometown that is like a tabloid and prints really wild political slander. They printed my moms' wedding pics and a bunch of other peoples to slander a councilwoman who performs weddings. The paper is anti-gay marriage and attacks it and the councilwoman regularly.

Alyson Ann Anic: And this is supposed to make people hate the councilwoman? She sounds great.

Carma Geddon:... They're really right-wing bigoted crazies... Actually, "they" is a little strong. It's mostly a few angry misogynistic old white men with a lot of alcohol and free time... Oh, wow, I just read a little further into the paper... The guy's advocating for a red light district in Niagara Falls? lolololol. I can't... You'd have an aneurysm if you read this paper weekly.

Dani Kinnison: Haha I'm going through it right now, just saw a photo of Ann Coulter....seems right.

Tina Galyn: I finally made the cover of The Niagara Falls Reporter! Okay I know it isn't because I'm infamous like my friends Kristen M. Grandinetti, Andrea Megan, and Brook D'Angelo, but I must be hanging out with the right crowd finally.

David Giusiana and 35 others like this.

Joy Noelle: We're so proud.

Joy Noelle: Kerry and I were hoping to ride your coattails and make the paper too. Dammit. We were cut out.

Kerry Hogan: I am so f----ing mad. They cut Joy and me out of the picture!

Brook D'Angelo: Autograph that sh-t and sell it!

Tina Galyn: Joy and Kerry, I think you are just good girls. You really have to start some real sh-t to get recognized. LMAO

Ang Berti: We were also proud to be included.

Kristina Marie: I wish there was some way to shut them down. Ridiculous.

Ashley Smith: I wish I was there! I would get fifty copies and brag to everyone that I know famous people.

Karen Mock I: I'm gonna be neighbors with famous ppl.....lol

Kristen M. Grandinetti Sorry guys...they don't like me...

Andrea Megan: Kristen M. Grandinetti, they can't handle your amount of FABULOSITY---- it repels them like a demon from the crucifix!

And so on….

Of course we were pleased with the attention.

But the women missed the point.

We support the right of people to marry or not marry whoever they choose.

If someone (straight or gay) wants to enter into a contract with someone they claim they love and then give the state ultimate authority to decide the (financial) fate between them and their so-called "love" -- good luck….

The Reporter supports the position that state sanctioned marriage contracts are not sanctimonious, but a business contract.

And the Reporter supports the concept that people should be free to have consensual relations with whoever they choose and how many they choose, with or without a state (marriage) contract.

That's called freedom.

And we will fight for your right to marry or not marry anyone, or any group, even if we are old white (and black) men and young (Indian, Chinese and European) women.

That said, the Reporter still does not think Kristen Grandinetti should have voted for herself.



Niagara Falls Reporter - Publisher Frank Parlato Jr. www.niagarafallsreporter.com

Jan 21, 2014