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"Malcolm in the Middle" Has-Been Comes To Lockport As A Drummer With Obscure Band


Frankie Muniz is now a drummer in a obscure band.

Child star Frankie Muniz.

Frankie Muniz, the once popular boy-teen star, is best known for his title role in the TV show “Malcolm in the Middle.”

More recently, Muniz, now relegated more or less to “has-been” status, as many child actors are when they get older, appeared in a soft porn teen movie, targeted for 15 -17 year-olds, named "Extreme."

The movie was released as a DVD-only and never made it to theaters.

It's all about teenagers have all kinds of wild, promiscuous and unhealthy sex.

Faltering as an actor, even of the low porn-for-kiddies variety, the 28 year old has now taken to playing drums and has joined an obscure band named Kingsfoil from York, Pa.

The reason this is of even mild interest is that Kingsfoil with Muniz on drums will be the warm up act for a somewhat better known group called Theory of a Deadman at the Labatt Canal Concert Series on Friday.

This will be the first show of the 2013 concert series at its new location behind the Lockport YMCA.

Theory of a Deadman are best known for lowbrow songs like “Bad Girlfriend” and “Lowlife.”

Also on the bill are two bands from Buffalo: Breakerbox and The Etchings.

Next week The Labatt Canal Concert Series will host the 1970's band Kansas, best known for its hit song "Dust in the Wind."

Meantime, it one cares to witness the attempt at a comeback of a has been boy star, Muniz will be playing the drums in Lockport.  Hope he can hold a beat.



Niagara Falls Reporter - Publisher Frank Parlato Jr. www.niagarafallsreporter.com

JUL 02, 2013