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Parkway Should Remain in Place

By Nancy White

Former Niagara Falls Mayor E. Dent Lackey (right) rode a white horse and symbolized a spirit of leadership that seems all but forgotten by the present mayor. It is our humble recommendation that our current Mayor Paul A. Dyster take riding lessons, acquire a suitable filly or a nag, and one day, any day, just for once, ride into town on horseback and act, just for once, like he’s proud of this town and of himself as a man.
If Lackey made every mistake in the book, as he probably did, at least he was a showman, at least he had some spirit and he never, not even once, apologized for this town.

I would like to make some comments about the Robert Moses Parkway, as I have wished to express my thoughts on this for a long time.

I am from Ransomville originally and worked in Niagara Falls for many years.

I work at the City of Lockport Visitor's Center from May 1 to November 1 and those tourists who have not yet seen the falls I send to Lewiston to get on the Robert Moses Parkway.

This takes them right down to the falls.

The most absurd thing that was ever done is closing off part of the parkway, which all started with a guy by the name of Bob Baxter, who led the charge to remove the parkway.

From a tourist point of view, what you see now is the most ridiculous thing they ever did.

Of course, the typical tourist would think that it is just a temporary construction issue.

I had the occasion recently to drive down the Parkway and Lewiston Road. What a disgrace that Lewiston Road is at the northern end. I would never send a tourist down that street. Of course, the entire north end is another story. A ghost town at best.

Now Congressman Brian Higgins comes in, newly representing Niagara Falls, and his plan is to totally tear up the parkway. What are these politicians thinking?

The last few mayors have not done much for Niagara Falls. At least Mayor E. Dent Lackey, he served as mayor of Niagara Falls from 1963-1975,had a vision and followed through on it.

So some politicians didn't like Robert Moses, so what?

The Parkway should remain and opened again in its entirety, as it is from Lewiston north.



Niagara Falls Reporter - Publisher Frank Parlato Jr. www.niagarafallsreporter.com

Feb 26 , 2013