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Haitian Celebrity's Visit to Niagara Falls Makes National News in Homeland

Famed Haitian Singer-songwriter Fenner Pierre-gilles, known popularly as Fefe, comes to Niagara Falls this week.

The visit of Fenner Pierre-gilles, better known as Fefe, one of Haiti's top musical stars, to Niagara Falls this week to work with Niagara Falls Reporter publisher and businessman Frank Parlato, made news in Haiti last week.

A feature story entitled "Féfé au Niagara Falls:plus qu'une visite touristique" appeared Aug. 2, in Le Nouvelliste, Haiti's largest newspaper. (Fefe was going to Niagara Falls for more than sightseeing).

The story reports the Haitian headliner's upcoming trip to Niagara Falls is to meet with Parlato to sift potential offers to record and tour in America and Europe.

Le Nouvelliste is a French-language daily, printed in Port-au-Prince, and distributed throughout the country, particularly the capital and 18 of the country's major cities.

The article, by Dorine Jeanty begins, "Le chanteur-compositeur-interprète Fenner Pierre-Gilles, connu sous le nom de Black Féfé, devrait se rendre le mardi 5 août à Niagara Falls pour signer son premier contrat américain. Il est l'invité de Frank Parlato, éditeur de Niagara Falls Reporter et homme d'affaires qui a travaillé avec le regretté Pete Bennett, directeur de promotion des quatre membres des Beatles de 1967 à 1977. Frank dit qu'il envisage plusieurs possibilités pour promouvoir le populaire chanteur haïtien à travers les états-Unis."

Following the publication of the article, the story was picked up by radio and other media.

The fabled name, Niagara Falls, undoubtedly added to the story's tableau.

"Niagara Falls excites the imagination," Pierre-gilles told the Reporter. "It is a place that people all over the world have dreamt about. It symbolizes power, of nature and by extension, of man. It symbolizes, through the wondrous example of nature, that man too may unlock his infinite potentialities. For me, to land here on American soil first in Niagara Falls is poignant and poetic. For, to me, Niagara Falls transcends nationality; it belongs to the world."

Le Nouvelliste, founded in 1898, is not only the largest, but also the oldest newspaper in this island nation of 10 million. Le Nouvelliste also publishes Haiti's premiere entertainment magazine, “Ticket Magazine,” which covers film, television, music, theater, books and popular culture.



Niagara Falls Reporter - Publisher Frank Parlato Jr. www.niagarafallsreporter.com

AUG 06, 2013