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By: Brendan McDonough
Reporter for North Tonawanda
It’s a tough budget year for North Tonawanda and Mayor Art Pappas could be making some of the toughest choices in the coming weeks.
One of the main issues is what programs to keep and which ones to get rid of. Pappas says he – along with several other members of the budget committee – are reviewing everything down to the penny.
“It is a tough budget year,” said Pappas. “Things are very, very tight. We are going over everything line by line to see just what we have to do.”
No major decisions have been reached yet about possible cuts.
Although no year is easy, Mayor Pappas says this year is especially difficult to navigate due to a lower fund balance.
“Every year is always a tough budget year to a degree because you want to do the most you can with the resources that you have,” said Pappas. “You try and keep the tax rate as low as you can keep it. Every year you have to really scrutinize things. This year is a little tougher, though. Our fund balance was not as high as usual so we have to really be careful.”
Pappas says once the budget is complete it will be reviewed by the council for approval.
“It is referred to as a Mayor’s Budget because I present it but, in reality, it is a team effort,” said Pappas.
“The budget I propose is a result of the City Accountant, members of the budget committee, and I putting our heads together. We listen to recommendations and do what we believe is in the best interest of our residents moving forward.
Pappas says he will present the budget to the Council sometime in November.