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Empty Heads and Empty Suitcases

By Frank Parlato

They do look elegant.

This lovely lady shows off her handsome prize.

This happy camper leaves with a suitcase worth $100. It cost him about $5,000 to get it.

This gent chose to carry his suit- case instead of wheeling it. After all it is light since it is absolutely empty.

At a recent visit to the Seneca Niagara Casino, I kept seeing people leaving the building with metal suitcases.

The exact same metal suitcase, with wheels.

I thought to myself, "This is astonishing. When people win so much money here that they cannot possibly stuff the cash in their pockets, those gracious, lovely Senecas must give them these metal suitcases to carry out their winnings."

I approached a number of people who were wheeling their suitcases out the door and each told me their suitcases were empty. They hadn't won anything other than the suitcase.

The suitcase, I suspect, is worth not more than $100 and the Niagara Falls Reporter has learned that when you lose at least 50 times the value of the suitcase, the Senecas will give you one as a free gift - empty of course - to remind you how stupid you are.

Here's how it works: You walk in with money in your pockets and you leave with an empty metal suitcase.

Not bad, as my grandfather used to say.



Niagara Falls Reporter - Publisher Frank Parlato Jr. www.niagarafallsreporter.com

May 28, 2013